It isn’t like Congressman Brian Mast is unfamiliar with the military. After all, the GOP representative of Florida’s 18th district is a veteran of the United States Army. He even received several awards when serving our nation — and for that he should be applauded.

But Mast made a bad call when giving “tribute” to the United States Navy’s birthday when he decided to tweet some congratulations. Instead of putting up a picture of an American Naval vessel, Mast chose to put up a picture of the battlecruiser Pyotr Velikiy — part of the Russian fleet.

Politico’s Dave Brown (Deputy Defense Editor) was quick to point out Mast’s error:

Of course, this just in of itself isn’t the biggest tragedy ever. Sure, he should know better and be more careful as a congressman. All one has to do to see it is a Russian battlecruiser is blow the picture’s size up.

It was also noted that Mast’s picture did have some other identifying marks taken off the picture — which raises the question of whether or not they knew what they were doing …

This isn’t Mast’s only Russian run-in though. Mast accepted 2400 from men who were found to be Russian mafia in 2018 according to another user.

By the way, this same congressman was considered by Trump to run The Veterans Administration. He was not ultimately selected.

All humor aside — why is it that wherever one turns in the GOP these days, one cannot “swing a dead cat” without hitting a Russian?


Featured image via Twitter