President Donald Trump has what can best be called a love-hate relationship with poll results and pollsters.
If a poll shows Trump with a high favorability rating, he makes sure to trumpet the findings on Twitter. But if a poll shows his numbers slipping, he’ll call it “fake news” and suggest the pollster who conducted it is just out to make him look bad.
And that’s what makes the latest polling results from Rasmussen Reports — which is known to have a bias towards Republicans — all the more troubling for Trump, who is now facing the prospect of an impeachment trial in the Senate when Congress returns from its holiday recess in early January.
According to Rasmussen’s poll, Trump’s current approval rating stands at 46 percent, with 53 percent saying they disapprove of the job he’s doing as president.
A closer look inside the Rasmussen survey has even worse news for Trump: Of those who disapprove, 43 percent say they disapprove “strongly.” Only 35 percent report strongly approving of the job the president is doing.
Additionally, the Rasmussen poll also shows that at the same time Trump’s approval rating is declining, support for his impeachment and removal from office is steadily increasing.
Just this week, we learned that fully 55 percent of Americans now say they support removing Trump from office for his actions in the Ukraine scandal. As The Independent noted when the MSN poll showing that 55 percent support for impeachment was released:
“Fifty-five per cent of those asked said they were in favour of the US president’s conviction by the Senate, a figure which has shot up from 48 per cent the week before.
“Meanwhile, the number of people against Mr Trump’s removal has dropped to an all-time low, according to the MSN poll.”
Trump has foolishly been suggesting that since the House of Representatives has yet to hand the articles of impeachment to the Senate, where Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is bragging about coordinating a defense with the White House, he hasn’t actually been impeached. But all that proves is that this president has no clue how the Constitution actually works.
The American people appear to be sick and tired of Donald Trump’s lies, crimes, and willingness to apply the law to everyone but himself. Even if he’s acquitted by the GOP-controlled Senate, his chances of reelection are growing dimmer by the day.
Featured Image Via the BBC