Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) may have plans to run for reelection in 2022, but he might not want to expect to much considering how he’s bungled the state’s response to Winter Storm Uri, which has left most of the state without power or water for the past week and led to the deaths of at least 58 people.
How bad are things for Abbott as he prepares to seek another term in office? According to Dr. Leah Stokes, a political science professor at the University of California Santa Barbara, there’s a lesson to be learned from what has transpired over the past few days in the Lone Star State, and she shared her thoughts in a Twitter thread:
For my book, I interviewed Texan Republicans, Democrats, oil guys + clean energy pioneers. Texas was once leading in wind energy, with GOP support. Now we get lies, from the Gov on down on renewables. What happened?
Lessons from Short Circuiting Policy https://t.co/KtxaBci5oC 🧵 pic.twitter.com/lXGXR70CoG
— Dr. Leah Stokes (@leahstokes) February 20, 2021
Texas’ challenges are not from “learning too many renewable energy lessons from California.” – Rep. Crenshaw
Texas passed its first renewable energy target in 1999, 3 years before California. The law was signed by, Gov. George W. Bush — you may recall he’s a Republican.
— Dr. Leah Stokes (@leahstokes) February 20, 2021
Gov. Bush was so proud of Texas’ leadership on wind energy, that he campaigned on it when running for President in 2000.
The “bill he signed in 1999 will make Texas the country’s largest market for renewable energy by 2009.”https://t.co/T4dKZ5qGnA pic.twitter.com/MMFHqrGVDT
— Dr. Leah Stokes (@leahstokes) February 20, 2021
In 2005, Texas passed another big wind energy law, which included $7 billion for transmission.
It was sponsored by Republican state Senator Troy Fraser and signed by Republican Gov. Rick Perry.https://t.co/c9vnjyvn4i
— Dr. Leah Stokes (@leahstokes) February 20, 2021
With Gov. Abbott going on TV this week and lying, blaming the boogeyman “Green New Deal” and wind turbines for Texas’ current crisis, GOP leadership on renewables feels like ancient history.
What happened over the past 15 years?https://t.co/jp3EqyORuu
— Dr. Leah Stokes (@leahstokes) February 20, 2021
Fossil fuel interests they are extremely big donors to the Republican party.
They maintain GOP discipline by threatening Republicans who support renewables or climate action with lost money and primary challengers. Over time, this shifts the party.https://t.co/W8L5yqDgOJ
— Dr. Leah Stokes (@leahstokes) February 20, 2021
Since the public listens to leaders who share their party affiliation, the GOP shifts against renewables circa 2009 also led to polarization among everyday Republicans.
We might expect a similar result after the lies perpetuated over the past week. pic.twitter.com/HZcbzEr6AB
— Dr. Leah Stokes (@leahstokes) February 20, 2021
Could Texas finally turn blue next year? Given the way Abbott and other Texas Republicans have handled the current crisis, it seems more likely than ever.
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