QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Co.) claimed that President Joe Biden has been a “disaster” and that no liberals have praised him six months into his presidency. It was a big mistake.
Biden just announced a bipartisan infrastructure deal this week, something that disgraced former President Donald Trump merely talked about for four years but never got done. It’s just one of several achievements Biden has racked up since Inauguration Day, which also includes the massive COVID relief bill that brought economic help to millions of Americans, a vaccination rollout that has significantly cut down the number of coronavirus cases and deaths, Juneteenth finally becoming a national holiday, the unemployment rate dropping, and the stock market soaring.
All told, Biden is more successful in just six months than Trump ever was in four years. And Biden holds an approval rating over 50 percent. In fact, Fox News has Biden’s approval rating at 56 percent.
But Boebert thinks it’s a “disaster” because liberals are supposedly not praising him.
Six months into this disaster presidency and I’ve yet to see a liberal be able to praise Joe Biden on his own merits.
It’s always “But Trump” or “But the GOP”.
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) June 25, 2021
Unlike Trump, Biden doesn’t require daily praise from sycophants. However, Boebert’s tweet backfired because both Democrats and Republicans used the opportunity to praise Biden and tout his achievements.
The hypocrisy is strong with this one
— CheesyGorditaBrett⁴ (@TacosAndTaint) June 25, 2021
Biden has caused the stock market to soar! Biden has caused Americans to have confidence again!
— Rr1015 (@Rr10151) June 25, 2021
I’m better off than I was six months ago
— Brian Rosenworcel (@Bowl_of_Worcel) June 25, 2021
He trusts scientists. Praise be.
— Especially Mad Scientist (@speciallyfemale) June 25, 2021
1. Biden passed COVID relief
2. Biden has reached a bipartisan deal for an infrastructure bill
3. Biden made Juneteenth a federal holiday
4. Biden visited Tulsa, and paid respects for the Race Massacre
— cheese (@DeepLake437) June 25, 2021
I am liberal.
This is me praising Joe Biden on his own merits.
— Rachel Alter, MPH (@RachelAlter007) June 25, 2021
I praise President Biden for being able to slow down Americans dying from COVID-19 , if we left that fucking crazy ass Trump in, we would be way over 1 Million Dead.
— Christopher Eagle (@eagle4congress) June 25, 2021
President Biden is doing a fabulous job and I’m thankful he’s president. 👏🏽
— Jules Morgan 🇺🇸🌺 (@glamelegance) June 25, 2021
Oh, let me be among the first! President Biden has compassion, experience, and vision! President Biden has extraordinary skill in choosing talented, ethical, and visionary people to serve in his administration!
— Leland Hermit (@AngeloBCollie) June 25, 2021
Will AOC do?
— Bill Both (@BCISLEMAN) June 25, 2021
Lauren, President Biden gets praise all the time . Even FOX has his approval rating at 56%. That’s pretty good praise.
— Lonely Indiana Democrat (@RdSull) June 25, 2021
Biden is fully 50% more popular than Trump was at his best ever, on his merits. Getting tens of millions vaccinated, rebuilding trust with allies, ceasing the heinous subservience to dictators & thugs… people of all political backgrounds see we are better off.
— Joseph Robertson (@poet_economist) June 25, 2021
I’m a Republican and I am praising Biden for his performance to-date.. You, on the other hand, have proven your incompetence day in and and day out.
— Mutatis Mutandis (@mutatis1) June 26, 2021
One of the stupidest members of Congress just got owned again.
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