If perhaps you thought that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) couldn’t possibly be any more ridiculous than she’s been since arriving in Washington, D.C. in January, a tweet she sent out on Wednesday regarding the COVID-19 pandemic may change your mind.

Here’s the tweet in question:

As HuffPost notes, Boebert’s tweet was in response to President Joe Biden’s plan to have people go door-to-door and ask Americans if they’ve been vaccinated for COVID while also sharing information on how they can receive the vaccine if they haven’t already.

But to Boebert and others in the GOP, the idea of helping save lives is a form of communism and reeks of Big Brother.

One good thing did come out of Boebert’s absurd Twitter posting: The reactions she received:

The good people of Boebert’s district have a chance to make her more irrelevant than she already is come next November. Let’s hope they do just that.

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