Proving yet again that he isn’t able to read or understand polls and the mood of voters in the Republican Party, former President Donald Trump is already bragging that if anyone dares to run against him for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, he’ll beat them badly.
In an interview with Yahoo Finance, Trump was asked about a poll released this week which shows him tied with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for the nomination. The failed ex-president remarked:
“If I faced him, I’d beat him like I would beat everyone else.
“I don’t think I will face him. I think most people would drop out, I think he would drop out.”
That arrogance certainly doesn’t reflect the results of the poll, which presents definitive evidence that the GOP is tiring of Trump:
(The poll shows) Trump with 26% support nationally among Republican primary voters for a 2024 election. Another 74% said they preferred “not Trump.” The poll shows a 20-point drop for Trump since a previous John Bolton SuperPAC poll in July.
Trump also tried to embellish his own accomplishments as president, but his claims were little more than puffery and outright lies:
He noted multiple times during the conversation that the economy had been “really getting ready to rock” before the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent recession. “We did a job that nobody’s done and had COVID not come and interrupted: we had the greatest economy.”
Yet as ever, the former president stretched the truth when listing his economic accomplishments. One example was when he cited the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as the “largest tax cuts in history,”a claim he’s made for years that fact checkers have often noted isn’t true.
Recent reports have noted that Trump feels President Joe Biden’s popularity is waning, but the ex-president seems to have forgotten that Biden’s poll numbers are nowhere near as low as the ones he faced before he was voted out of office.
Trump’s plans to run for a second term could also be derailed if he’s indicted on any of the criminal charges he’s being investigated for in states such as Georgia and New York.
As usual, Donald Trump thinks he’s invincible. He thought that before the votes were counted last November, too, and we all know how that turned out for him.
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