A Republican candidate in Washington state named Jerrod Sessler had the sads on Twitter this week over the Twisted Sister hit song “We’re Not Gonna Take It,” and actually thinks it was written for conservatives. Dee Snider, the man who performed the song, laughed at him in response.

Republicans have frequently co-opted songs in their desperate effort to spread their propaganda and attract people to their agenda. For the most part, performers usually request that their songs not be used to promote an agenda they do not support. That being said, Republicans also often don’t understand the lyrics.

Sessler, a former NASCAR driver, made that clear in a tweet posted on Friday complaining about how Snider supports liberal causes and insisted that his 1984 hit song was all about conservative values.


Of course, Republicans were in control of the government in 1984, and Snider’s song was about rebellion against authority. And Snider has repeatedly told Republicans not to use it, including Paul Ryan and Donald Trump.

Snider would respond to Sessler by laughing at him.

In a follow-up tweet, Snider pointed out that he is pro-choice and that even his song includes a pro-choice lyric. Snider even told Sessler that he would support his candidacy if he came out as pro-choice.

It should also be pointed out that Snider voted for former President Barack Obama and urged fans to vote for President Joe Biden in 2020.

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