Now that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has said she will send the two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump to the Senate next week for a trial of the president on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, Trump is having a full-scale freak out about what may be about to transpire.

Perhaps fearful that witnesses will be approved by a majority of the Senate and former national security adviser John Bolton will be forced to testify, the president fired off three frantic tweets referencing his upcoming trial:

Trump’s protestations of innocence led the hashtag #ImpeachedandAfraid to trend on Twitter shortly after he posted those three tweets, and he was quickly reminded that the House impeachment inquiry proved a clear pattern of high crimes and misdemeanors, which is the sole standard to impeachment:

If Trump is this unhinged before the trial even begins, can you imagine how crazed he’ll be once it actually starts?

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