Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) attempted to troll President Joe Biden on Twitter and wound up with social media egg on his face when all was said and done, proving yet again that the Ohio Republican needs to think before he starts posting BS on his Twitter feed.

According to HuffPost, Jordan set off a firestorm on social media with this post:

“Jordan’s critics were quick to pounce, causing both his name and Reagan’s name to trend on Twitter. Many noted the role of government ― of which Jordan is a member ― in getting the urgently-needed coronavirus vaccine to Americans, including his own constituents. Numerous people pointed out that Reagan’s comment was said as he justified government help to farmers in 1986, saying ‘the government must act compassionately and responsibly’ and vowing to provide ‘record amounts of assistance.’ Some also noted Reagan’s failures during a different health crisis as AIDS cases and deaths exploded under his watch.”

Take a look at some of the responses to Jordan’s tweet:

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