Insurrectionist Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) admitted this week that he doesn’t “have a whole lot of wisdom” during a GOP event, to which the world collectively replied “No sh*t.”

The lawmaker with a Nazi haircut has repeatedly demonstrated that he is unfit to serve in Congress. For one thing, he participated in the attempt to overthrow democracy, which by all rights should disqualify him for public office if not for a Trump-appointed judge intervening on his behalf.

Cawthorn also doesn’t know much about American history as evidenced by his claim that George Washington would have lost the Revolutionary War had he worn a mask, an obvious attack on mask mandates during the coronavirus pandemic that has killed nearly one million Americans.

Washington and several founders actually supported immunization mandates. Furthermore, a mask would have made little difference in the outcome of the war. In fact, it would have reduced the spread of disease, which usually accounted for more deaths among soldiers than combat.

Recently, Cawthorn has taken to attacking Ukraine and slandering President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in defense of Russia and Vladimir Putin.

And that’s why his remarks at the GOP event are notable.

“I have a lot of zeal. I have a lot of charisma. I’ve got a lot of aggression,” Cawthorn said at the small gathering. “But I realize at 26 years old, I don’t have a whole lot of wisdom.”

Speaking of his aggression, Cawthorn not only supported the violent insurrection on January 6th, he has repeatedly incited violence against the government ever since.

In a single statement, Cawthorn proved why he should not be a member of Congress. He doesn’t have the smarts and he supports violence if his party doesn’t get its way. It’s a dangerous combination that has no place in public office.

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