No matter what President Donald Trump does or says, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) defends him. It’s almost as if Graham has no conscience.

But thanks to a brilliant Twitter account, Graham does indeed have a conscience, even though it’s against his will, according to HuffPost:

Each day, the @LGsConscience feed shares one short clip of Graham blasting Trump before and in the immediate aftermath of the 2016 presidential election.

Graham’s critical attitude toward Trump in the old clips is, of course, in stark contrast to the lawmaker’s current devotion to the president.

For example:

This stroke of social media genius is the brainchild of Barry Rubin, senior video editor of the conservative news site The Bulwark. Rubin explained what spawned the Twitter account, which launched a month ago:

“No one in the Senate defends Trump more on impeachment than Lindsey Graham.

“The point is to show that associating yourself with Trump corrupts your soul.”

Here’s a few more examples of Graham’s complete 180-degree turn on Trump:

It would be nice if Lindsey Graham still had conscience other than the digital one created for him. Then again, it would also be nice if he and most of his Republican colleagues had spines, too. 

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