A majority of Americans say President Donald Trump’s recent moves in regard to Iran have made the United States less safe and consider his policy on the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani to be “reckless” according to a new USA Today/Ipsos poll:

“Americans by more than 2-1 say the killing of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani has made the United States less safe, a nationwide USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll finds, amid broad concerns about the potential consequences ahead.

“A majority of those surveyed, by 52%-34%, called Trump’s behavior with Iran ‘reckless.'”


As Trump kicks off his formal bid for a second term in office, the vast majority of those polled said the killing of Soleimani will make the United States and its interests overseas much less safe:

“There was overwhelming agreement – in each case by more than 6-1 – that the attack made it more likely Iran would strike American interests in the Middle East (69%), that there would be terrorist attacks on the American homeland (63%), and that the United States and Iran would go to war with each other (62%).”

Most of those who responded also said Iran will now be much more likely to develop a full-scale nuclear program:

“By 52%-8%, those polled said the attack made it more likely that Iran would develop nuclear weapons.”

When asked if Trump had ordered the killing of the Iranian general to distract from his impeachment, the numbers were also unfavorable for the president:

“By 47%-39%, those surveyed said Trump ordered the killing of Soleimani in an attempt to divert the focus from his impeachment. There was little support for the idea of delaying the Senate impeachment trial until the crisis with Iran was resolved; that was opposed by 55%-26%.”

Clifford Young, president of U.S. Ipsos Public Affairs, summed up the poll and Trump’s Iran policy results by noting:

“The conflict with Iran is front and center in most Americans’ minds. However Ipsos’s survey for USA TODAY finds that the public is divided on the Soleimani killing. The data suggests that support for the administration’s actions come down to if people view Soleimani as a terrorist figure, which is fair game, or a government official, which is off limits.”

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