As Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) took the walk of shame surrounded by reporters in the aftermath of her disgraceful vote to ban witness testimony from President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, she blamed everyone but herself.

That’s right, the infamous hypocrisy of Republicans when it comes to personal responsibility reared its ugly head again on Friday when after riding the fence for weeks regarding witness testimony, Murkowski ultimately joined in on the conspiracy to rig the trial in Trump’s favor.

In the end, Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Mitt Romney (R-Utah) voted in favor of witness testimony but it wasn’t enough to overcome cowardly votes by Murkowski and other so-called moderates.

In fact, Murkowski couldn’t even muster up the dignity to take responsibility for her vote, blaming “both sides” instead while absurdly referring to the proceeding as “flawed.”

In a further insult to our democracy and the rule of law, Murkowski told reporters she planned to “chill” for the rest of the day even as constitutional norms are trampled upon.

If Murkowski really wants to “chill,” she should resign and go back to Alaska. She had a duty to this country and the institution of the Senate to support witnesses. But now Trump’s impeachment is the first to feature zero witness testimony even though it is clear former National Security Adviser John Bolton has a lot to say about the Ukraine scandal. She failed to defend the Constitution and that means she no longer has the right to be a senator. In 2020, voters will have the chance to end her career and the careers of all the other Republican senators who chose Trump over country.

This vote should tarnish her legacy for all time.

Featured Image: Wikimedia