As the number of Americans dead as a result of the novel coronavirus neared 100,000 on Saturday, President Donald Trump played golf and went on an extended Twitter rampage, with journalist Steven Beschloss noting:

“As Americans die, Trump spends his time golfing, attacking Joe Scarborough and fighting with Jeff Sessions for recusing himself. What a tragedy for the country to be held hostage by a malignancy like this.”

Trump’s hours-long social media raging also drew the attention of Yale University forensic psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee, who responded to the tweet from Beschloss with this frightening diagnosis of the president:

Take a look at the evidence which supports Dr. Lee’s observation:

Rest assured, Trump’s insanity will only get worse the closer we get to the election in November, especially if the polls continue to show him losing to Joe Biden. In one poll earlier this week, Biden had an 11-point lead nationally and was also ahead in key battleground states such as Florida, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

The good news,  however, is that we have a chance to get rid of Trump on November 3, and the future of this country will soon be in our hands. That also worries Trump. And it damn well should.

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