Novelist Stephen King was born in the state of Maine, and he’s taking aim at Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) for the role he says she played in the restrictive abortion law passed this week in Texas.

You may recall that when Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was nominated to the high court, Collins made the controversial decision to vote in favor of his confirmation, saying at the time:

“We talked about whether he considered Roe to be settled law. He said that he agreed with what Justice Roberts said at his nomination hearing, in which he said that it was settled law.”

But on Wednesday evening, Kavanaugh voted with four of the court’s conservative justices to let the Texas law stand and not have the justices enjoin the case or issue a temporary restraining order that would have put implementation of the law on hold until more arguments could be heard.

A day later, Collins called the Texas law “extreme and hurtful,” but failed to mention that she had played a role in the complete reversal of Roe v. Wade, which has been the law of the land since 1973.

All of this led King to slam Collins on Twitter:

Thanks to Susan Collins and other Senate Republicans, 85% of the women in Texas will no longer be able to receive a legal medical procedure. That’s what they get for believing a liar like Brett Kavanaugh.

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