Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) got hit with a giant dose of facts during a Sunday appearance on “Face the Nation,” with CBS host Margaret Brennan noting that President Donald Trump’s retaliatory firings of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and Ambassador Gordon Sondland certainly appeared to be payback because the two men dared to testify before the House impeachment inquiry.

Graham began by trying to peddle the bogus conspiracy theory that Vindman had leaked Trump’s Ukraine scheme to the whistleblower who reported the matter to an inspector general for the intelligence community. However, the senator offered zero proof to support his specious claim:

“What have I learned in the last two years? As to Col. Vindman, he was not allowed to be asked questions about his alleged connections to the alleged whistleblower.”

Brennan corrected Graham:

“He was asked. And he denied it.”

The host then got right to the point when it came to Vindman’s firing, asking:

“Is this retaliation?”

Rather than answer the question, Graham responded:

“We’re not going to be intimidated Who is the whistleblower?”


“He is an officer and he is not allowed to speak out on his own behalf.”

After Graham reiterated that he would be looking at any role Vindman may have played in alerting the whistleblower, Brennan asked:

“Should Gordon Sondland have been fired too?”

A visibly angry Graham replied:

“We’re not going to live in a world where the Department of Justice, the CIA and the FBI can cut corners, go after Trump and nobody gives a damn.”

Rather than ask again, Brennan made a declarative statement that shut the South Carolina Republican down, telling him:

“It was retaliation.”

Yes, it was indeed retaliation. Donald Trump cannot stand for anyone to disagree with him or sound an alarm when he does something that threatens the national security of this country. He demands absolute fealty at all times, and people like Lindsey Graham are only too happy to serve as his sycophantic slaves.

The GOP has become nothing more than a cult, and that makes it a threat to the United States.

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