President Donald Trump continued patting himself on the back over his State of the Union Address (SOTU) over the weekend, gushing about the “great reviews” from his sycophantic supporters. And so, the Internet provided a reality check.

Trump supporters are going to applaud whatever he says or does, and that held true with his State of the Union speech on Tuesday, which immediately received praise from his shrinking base of conservatives.

On Saturday evening, Trump concluded a day of ranting about being impeached by thanking everyone for the “great reviews” of his speech.

Of course, Trump is putting on a false front. Not only was his speech full of lies, it was one of the lowest rated as it suffered a 21 percent drop in audience over the previous year. Just 37 million Americans tuned in.

In fact, by comparison, two former presidents did significantly better.

As Newsweek pointed out:

Former President Bill Clinton’s 1999 State of the Union drew an audience of 43.5 million viewers across ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, and NBC before he was acquitted for his own impeachment. Former President Barack Obama drew a total of 42.8 million viewers, during his third State of the Union in 2011.

Fact-checkers also found that Trump repeatedly lied and misled throughout the speech.

The real star of the show, meanwhile, was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who ripped up Trump’s speech as he finished his remarks.

Americans pointed that out specifically as they piled on the ridicule.

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