During a tour of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta on Friday afternoon, President Donald Trump hurled insults at the Democratic governor of Washington for daring to criticize the president’s response to the coronavirus outbreak that has claimed 14 lives in The Evergreen State, HuffPost reports:

“A reporter told Trump that Inslee was complimentary of the federal response to the coronavirus, adding: ‘The governor was a little less complimentary of your response.’

“’So I told Mike [Pence] not to be complimentary of the governor, because that governor is a snake — Inslee,’ Trump cut in during the press briefing. ‘If you’re nice to him, he will take advantage.'”

Trump then added:

“We’ve got a lot of problems (with Inslee) Mike may be happy with him, but I’m not.”

After Trump made his remarks, a spokesperson for Gov. Inslee directed reporters to a recent Tweet from the governor:

Inslee has also noted that his state would be better able to respond to the public health crisis “if the Trump administration stuck to the science and told the truth.”

Last week, Inslee declared a state of emergency in Washington and announced that the state had instructed insurance companies to waive all copayments and deductibles on tests for conronavirus that are ordered by doctors.

The president’s childish comments at the CDC are proof-positive that he doesn’t have a handle on the outbreak of coronavirus in the United States and is looking for scapegoats he can blame for his own inaction and bumbling.

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