Protesters opposed to the coronavirus lockdown in Annapolis, Maryland, were humiliated Monday morning when only three people showed up to express their displeasure with the state’s policy, according to ABC 7 News, with reporter Brad Bell noting there was “no sign” of any protesters initially.

An hour after the protest was set to begin, Bell reported that three people had shown up at Church Circle, which is approximately one block away from the Maryland State House:

Just last week, similar protests took place in Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia, and they drew the approval of President Donald Trump, who tweeted out support for the marchers, calling to “LIBERATE” the states and even suggesting that Virginia was attempting to take away the Second Amendment rights of the state’s residents.

But perhaps most embarrassing for the Maryland protesters was the trashing they took on social media. Take a look:

Since Maryland has a Republican governor, Larry Hogan, it’s safe to bet that Trump won’t be tweeting out support for liberating the state from whatever it is a tiny part of its population feels oppressed.

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