A group calling itself “Democrat Voters Against Joe Biden” recently formed in an effort to counter the hundreds of Republicans who have said they won’t be supporting President Donald Trump in November, but the new anti-Biden group has one big problem: None of its members are actually Democrats, according to a report from Lachlan Markey of The Daily Beast.

Markey did a deep dive into DVAJB and discovered it’s funded by Americans for Responsible Government. Who runs the right-wing nonprofit that controls Americans for Responsible Government? Steve Nickolas, who is described as “an Arizona bottled water businessman who’s been involved in a handful of conservative political advocacy groups in recent years.”

The anti-Biden group also has the support of John Michael Capaldi, who fashions himself to be an “internationally known celebrity psychic, life coach and stylist” and is fond of bragging that he teaches classes on ghost hunting and exorcism.

How’s that for a shady cast of characters?

But wait! It gets even better, as the DVAJB group has essentially just copied and pasted what you’ll see on their website from the group “Republican Voters Against Trump”:

“Language on its website is copied nearly verbatim from the RVAT website, with some minor stylistic changes and Biden’s name switched out for Trump’s.”

You want testimonials? Well, you’ll only find one at the DVAJB site, and it’s authored by Tracey Chavez, whose son served as a field organizer for the Trump Victory joint fundraising committee.

When Nickolas was contacted for a comment on the sorry state of his group, he said the reason for a lack of Democrats was due to the fact that the group is just getting started:

“We’ve only been live for a week and a half. We haven’t really been overwhelmed with interest but we haven’t really pushed it as much as we plan on doing.”

At the rate they’re going, Democrat Voters Against Joe Biden might finally be a force by the 2024 election, but don’t count on it.

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