Georgia is in play for Democrats this year, which is scaring the hell out of Republicans and President Donald Trump. But Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) isn’t doing them any favors by injecting controversy into the Senate race there.

Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) was not Trump’s original choice to take over the Senate seat vacated by former Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), who retired in 2019. Trump had wanted Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) to be appointed to fill the seat, but Governor Brian Kemp chose Loeffler instead.

Considered the wealthiest senator, Loeffler now faces a special election after a year in which she got busted for insider trading after attending a secret meeting in Congress on the coronavirus pandemic.

Collins in also running for the seat, as is Democratic challenger Raphael Warnock.

It’s a close race so far, but Loeffler is apparently using her money to buy support for her campaign.

During a campaign event in support of Collins, Matt Gaetz literally accused Loeffler of promising to give Trump $50 million if he would push Collins out of the race.

“This is what the Loeffler team went to the Trump team with,” Gaetz said according to The Daily Beast. “They went and said, ‘Look, you guys gotta get Doug Collins out of this race’ … She said, ‘I have $50 million for this project, and I can either spend my $50 million getting new voters and helping the Trump campaign, or I can spend that $50 million taking out Doug Collins.’”

Other sources claim that Senate Republican leaders are the ones who want Collins out of the picture, but Loeffler is clearly rich enough and corrupt enough to make such an offer to Trump. And Trump is greedy and desperate enough to take it. However, he has yet to endorse either Loeffler or Collins.

It’s interesting that Gaetz, a huge Trump ally, would accuse Loeffler of trying to bribe Trump. Seems like something that Trump would want Gaetz to keep quiet about. After all, Trump has been shifting campaign funds to his private business, and $50 million would be quite a payday for him.

This latest example of GOP infighting certainly opens the door for Warnock, who only trails by a narrow margin. Georgia voters should do themselves and the country a favor and reject both Republicans by electing Reverend Warnock.

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