Kelli Ward, the chairwoman of the Arizona GOP, was one of the most vocal proponents of the “Stop the Steal” movement that alleged the 2020 presidential election had been stolen from former President Donald Trump.

Now, however, Ward is confronted with questions of how exactly she managed to win her position as head of the Arizona Republican Party in a vote taken last Saturday that catapulted her to the post, according to the Washington Post:

“Sergio Arellano, a Pima County small business owner who lost to Ward by 42 votes, requested a recount of all state party races on Monday, he told The Washington Post. More than two days later, he said, Arizona state party leaders — who report to Ward — have not yet scheduled the audit, which was first reported by the Arizona Republic.

“’It shouldn’t be a big deal. If her core No. 1 issue is election integrity, then it should be a nonissue,’ he said in an interview. ‘It should be transparent, expeditious, and let’s move on.'”

Arrellano admits that he doubts a recount will change the results enough to deny Ward the post of leading the Arizona GOP. However, he told the Post he decided to request the recount after other Republicans in the Grand Canyon State suggested there had been irregularities in two other races in the state.

Ward has previously run to the GOP candidate for open Senate seats in Arizona, challenging the late Sen. John McCain in 2016 and in a three-way race in 2018 to replace former senator Jeff Flake.

Shortly after the 2020 election, Ward began claiming that President Joe Biden had not won and that Trump had won in the state:

“She sent out fundraising mailers describing a ‘stolen’ election and offered up unsubstantiated claims of hidden precinct data. At her direction, the Arizona GOP sued to overturn the state’s election results, in a case that was later dismissed by the state Supreme Court for a lack of evidence.

“As a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, seeking to keep Congress from certifying Biden’s win, Ward kept going. ‘Send the elector choice back to the legislatures,’ she wrote on Twitter during the siege. She also claimed at a rally that the rioters were fakes trying to undermine Trump.”

If indeed Ward actually believes in protecting the integrity of elections, then she won’t have a problem with a recount of the ballots that made her chair of the Arizona GOP. Right?

So far, Ward hasn’t responded to Arrellano’s calls for a recount.

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