A prosecutor in Georgia is investigating whether or not a call made by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger may have violated the law. Graham allegedly asked Raffesnperger to toss out all mail-in ballots in some of the state’s counties so that former President Donald Trump would be declared the winner in the Peach State.

The Washington Post reports:

“The individual, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the ongoing probe, said the inquiry by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis will include an examination of the call Graham, a staunch Trump ally, made to Raffensperger 10 days after the Nov. 3 election.

“During their conversation, Graham asked the Georgia secretary of state whether he had the power to toss out all mail ballots in certain counties, Raffensperger told The Washington Post in an interview days later. He said Graham appeared to be asking him to improperly find a way to set aside legally cast ballots.”

When details of the call became public, Graham asserted that he had merely been trying to determine how the state verified its mail ballots, but the senator’s move may have violated state election law and could wind up coming back to bite the senator, who recently won reelection.

On Friday, Kevin Bishop, a spokesperson for Graham claimed any suggestion that the senator’s call might be illegal or improper was “ridiculous.”

“Sen. Graham was asking about how the signature verification process worked,” Bishop said. “He never asked the Secretary of State to disqualify a ballot cast by anyone. The timing on this is also quite curious. It seems to be a less than transparent effort to marginalize anyone who helps President Trump.”

Graham is currently serving as a juror in Trump’s second impeachment trial and has even been so bold as to meet with Trump’s attorneys. Graham has also made public statements suggesting that he has already made up his mind and will refuse to vote for convicting Trump no matter what evidence is presented at the Senate trial.

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