During an interview that aired Sunday morning, Fox News host Maria Bartiromo verbally upbraided former President Donald Trump for daring to say nice things about Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Trump was discussing foreign policy when the subject of China came up. As you’d expect, the ex-president claimed (incorrectly) that he had won the trade war he started with China during his term in office, but when he began praising President Xi, Bartiromo curtly corrected him:

“You know, I had a great relationship with President Xi. I really believe he liked me, and I like him. I had a great relationship—”

Throwing up her arms in frustration, Bartiromo exclaimed:

“He’s a killer!”


“He is a killer. But I had a great relationship with him.”

As recently as 2019, Bartiromo said Trump had failed in his trade policy towards China, remarking:

“Basically, to me it looks like the Chinese got what they want.”

But while she called Trump out for his praise of Xi, she was willing to try and slag the current president, Joe Biden:

“Do you think someone else is directing him (Biden)? “Who is running the country?”

Joe Biden is running the country, Maria. Unlike when Donnie was still in office and constantly deferred to Russian President Vladimir Putin, lavishing praise on the Russian autocrat and refusing to criticize anything the Russian government did.

Bartiromo’s interview drew sharp criticism on Twitter, where many accused her of disseminating propaganda:

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