After a long week of impeachment and ISIS raids, Donald Trump decided to go and make an appearance at the World Series where the hometown Nationals were playing the Houston Astros.

Trump may have thought the crowd, which was dominated by red caps, would be supportive of him. But when his name was announced and he was put on screen, The POTUS got a very rude awakening.

The crowd booed. The crowd chanted “lock him up” in unison.

Unfortunately for Trump, the red caps weren’t MAGA caps, but caps supporting their team.

Check out the video below:

Could this be a sign that Americans have finally had enough of Trump and his antics? Have they had enough of the lies, the obstruction, and games Trump and his cronies have played with the American people over the past few years? Several recent polls have shown support for impeachment growing steadily. In fact, a new poll shows that support growing even on Trump’s home turf, New York.

And whereas Trump not being popular in “blue” New York, the poll shows almost 20 percent of Republicans in New York now support impeachment,

WBFO in New York provides some further insight:

The survey then dug deeper, and asked whether voters believe that Trump has done anything that warrants an impeachment investigation, and whether the House of Representatives is justified in conducting the impeachment inquiry.

Sixty percent say the president appears to have done something wrong, and 62% say the House should investigate. Greenberg said the numbers are higher on those questions because slightly more Republicans agree that the inquiry is justified and that the president might have done something wrong. Most who identify with the GOP, however, said they believe the president should not be investigated by Congress.

Greenberg said the difference lies in the opinions of independent voters.

“Independent voters, on those questions, side with Democrats by about 15 to 20 points,” Greenberg said.

Another question asks who voters trust more to tell the truth, Trump or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi; the latter won by a margin of 57% to 30%.

Stay tuned …