Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) has long been an eager defender of President Donald Trump, but now that public impeachment hearings have begun, the congressman’s creepy obsequiousness is on full display for the world to see, which is not exactly a good thing for Nunes.

On Friday, as part of his opening statement before former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch testified, Nunes accused Democrats of trying to obtain nude photos of the president. He said the same thing on Wednesday, when public hearings began. 

Here’s what Nunes said Friday morning:

“When you find yourself on the phone, as Democrats did, with Russian pranksters offering nude photos of Trump, and afterward you order your staff to follow up and get the photos, as Democrats also did, then it might be time to ask yourself if you’ve gone out too far on a limb.”

Share Blue Media notes that Nunes is apparently referencing something that happened two years ago:

He’s referring to a 2017 prank call from Russians who were masquerading as Ukrainian government officials. The pranksters called Rep. Adam Schiff, chair of the House Intelligence Committee, and claimed that they knew about the existence of “compromising” naked photographs of Trump from a 2013 visit Trump made to Moscow.

Schiff, for his part, was calm on the call, and expressed his concern that Russian President Vladimir Putin would use the nude photographs to extort Trump. Schiff told the pranksters that he would alert the FBI about finding the images, according to a report from the Atlantic at the time.

What’s with this bizarre obsession regarding nudes of Donald Trump? Twitter users had some thoughts:

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