As the full House prepares to vote on two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, a New Jersey Democratic lawmaker announced his decision to vote for them, drawing cheers from the town hall crowd he spoke to over the weekend.

Trump is charged with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress stemming from his attempt to bribe Ukraine into investigating his political rival ahead of the 2020 Election. Senate Republicans appear set to run nothing more than a sham trial as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) openly admits that he is coordinating the trial with Trump, which is the equivalent of a jury foreman rigging the trial with the defendant.

But they may seriously want to re-think that strategy since Democrats are apparently receiving applause from voters for pursuing impeachment.

During a segment on CNN Sunday morning, the network aired a clip of Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-N.J.) announcing how he will vote on the articles of impeachment.

“Based on the evidence I have seen in the depositions, the hearings and the documents I’ve seen, I believe on the two counts of impeachment that the vote that has been put before us, that the vote should be yes, and I will be voting yes.”

The town hall audience then applauded, with some giving him a standing ovation.

Despite Republican claims that Americans don’t support impeachment, it’s pretty clear that many do. In fact, polls consistently show that a majority support impeachment and the numbers remain steady since tracking began.

Republicans have also claimed that Democrats are going to pay an electoral price for pursuing impeachment, but senior political reporter Kevin Robillard pointed out that it’s more likely that most Democrats will keep their seats in 2020 rather than lose them. Legal analyst Shan Wu also noted that while Senate Republicans are not going to vote to convict, Americans will get the final say on impeachment in 2020. If Trump loses, he will have been effectively impeached by voters.

Here’s the video via YouTube:

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