President Donald Trump tried to accuse his favorite social media platform of censorship on Friday and immediately got a fact-check from the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, that’s certain to further enrage the president.

It all began Thursday, when Twitter took down a video from the Trump campaign after a complaint of copyright infringement, which Twitter noted when it pulled the video from its platform.

And that’s when Trump began whining, according to HuffPost:

“Trump complained Friday about the move to pull the video, which he said revealed his ’empathy for peaceful protesters’ after the police killing of George Floyd. He accused Twitter of ‘fighting hard for the Racial Left Democrats. A one sided battle,’ Trump added. ‘Illegal. Section 230!'”

But as Dorsey noted in his reply to the president, copyright infringements are a direct violation of existing law:

All of this is merely the latest back-and-forth between Trump and Twitter. In recent weeks, Twitter also placed a notice on the president’s tweet claiming that voting by mail leads to fraud. And Twitter placed a warning on Trump’s tweet declaring that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” in response to massive protests in the wake of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of police officers. Four members of the police force have been arrested and charged with crimes ranging from second-degree murder to manslaughter.

The president and his supporters have suggested that Twitter and other social media platforms have a liberal bias. That claim is undercut by the simple fact that Twitter only recently began placing notices and fact checks on Trump’s most offensive and inaccurate postings.

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