Earlier this morning, Twitter removed a tweet posted by President Donald Trump which falsely stated that a cure for coronavirus exists, according to NBC News:

“Late Monday night, Trump retweeted the tweet from an account with the handle ‘@stella_immanuel’ that said: ‘Covid has cure. America wake up.’

“Twitter soon after removed the tweet and replaced it with a gray box that says, ‘This Tweet is no longer available.'”

However, that Twitter handle — @stella_immanuel — sent reporters searching for more information on the person Trump had cited as saying a cure exists for COVID-19, and what Will Sommer of The Daily Beast found lurking in the darkest and most bizarre corners of the internet was a Houston doctor named Stella Immanuel, who is fond of spouting some of the most surreal conspiracy theories ever posited on social media:

“Immanuel, a pediatrician and a religious minister, has a history of making bizarre claims about medical topics and other issues. She has often claimed that gynecological problems like cysts and endometriosis are in fact caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches.

“She alleges alien DNA is currently used in medical treatments, and that scientists are cooking up a vaccine to prevent people from being religious. And, despite appearing in Washington, D.C. to lobby Congress on Monday, she has said that the government is run in part not by humans but by ‘reptilians’ and other aliens.”

As the old saying goes, Truth is indeed stranger than fiction, and Dr. Immanuel’s version of the truth is enough to give you a permanent headache.

For example, when Facebook took her videos off their platform, Immanuel warned that Jesus Christ would destroy their servers for daring to act against her:

Or how about this: Many common medical problems are the result of having sex with demons while you sleep:

“Immanuel claims that medical issues like endometriosis, cysts, infertility, and impotence are caused by sex with ‘spirit husbands’ and ‘spirit wives’—a phenomenon Immanuel describes essentially as witches and demons having sex with people in a dreamworld.

“’They are responsible for serious gynecological problems,’ Immanuel said. ‘We call them all kinds of names—endometriosis, we call them molar pregnancies, we call them fibroids, we call them cysts, but most of them are evil deposits from the spirit husband,’ Immanuel said of the medical issues in a 2013 sermon. ‘They are responsible for miscarriages, impotence—men that can’t get it up.'”

If that’s not strange enough for you, there’s alien DNA, which seems to be some sort of cure, though Immanuel also slams the use of DNA and vaccines to make people not want to become religious:

“They’re using all kinds of DNA, even alien DNA, to treat people.

“They found the gene in somebody’s mind that makes you religious, so they can vaccinate against it.”

Despite all that clearly absurd rhetoric, this woman was given the seal of approval from the president of the United States, suggesting that he agrees with her ridiculous ideas and theories.

If the “aliens” do finally land one day, they’ll take a look at social media, see people like Stella Immanuel, and leave as soon as they can, convinced there’s no hope for our species. And who’s to say they’d be wrong?

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