On Tuesday, President Donald Trump announced that he would posthumously give a presidential pardon to American suffragist Susan B. Anthony, who was instrumental in the movement to make sure women had the right to vote, which they were denied until the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920.

But the Susan B. Anthony Museum and House has a message for Trump: The women’s rights activist would have refused the pardon for her conviction in 1872 on the charge of attempting to vote. She was convicted by an all-male jury.

If that wasn’t enough, other tweets from the museum explained exactly why Anthony would have rejected any pardon:

The real reason for Trump’s pardon of Anthony is obvious: He’s pandering to female voters, the vast majority of whom have told pollsters they will cast their ballot for Joe Biden November.

If Susan B. Anthony were alive, it’s highly unlikely she’d support a man who bragged how he likes to grab women by the genitals and kiss them against their will.

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