President Donald Trump’s niece Mary struck again this week by releasing yet more recordings of Donald’s sister Maryanne Trump Barry. This time, Barry trashed Trump’s kids, taking particular aim at Eric and Ivanka.

Mary Trump has revealed a lot of Trump’s dirty laundry, including that he cheated on his SAT exams by paying someone else to take them for him so he would pass and into college.

Trump’s sister even confirmed that claim in damning audio recorded by Mary Trump, who released more audio late Friday night that Donald and his children won’t like at all.

As we all know, Eric Trump is the dumb one, and Maryanne Trump Barry agrees.

“Meanwhile, Eric’s become the moron publicly,” Barry said before confirming that Ivanka only cares about herself, just as her dad only cares about himself. “Ivanka gives a sh*t. She’s all about her,” she said.

“Yeah, she’s a mini-Donald,” Mary quipped.

“She’s a mini-Donald,” Barry agreed, “but yet he’s besotted with her. He always has been. She’s always been his favorite.”

Indeed, Trump is obsessed with Ivanka, even to the point that he lusts after her. Donald has mentioned on several occasions that he would date Ivanka and has fawned over her body.

It’s pretty sickening.

The idea that she’s just as selfish and power-hungry should particularly worry Americans. With her speech introducing her daddy on the final night of the RNC Convention, Ivanka may believe she is now positioned to run for president herself in the future.

Twitter users, of course, were amused by the family squabbles.

If Mary Trump has more recordings, we can’t wait for her to release them.

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