President Donald Trump continues to claim that rampant voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election cost him a shot at a second term in office, but election officials in dozens of states say there is absolutely no proof that any such activity took place.

The New York Times called around and spoke with the state officials who oversee elections, and not a single one of them said anything irregular or illegal took place that would have impacted the end result of the balloting which shows Trump lost to Joe Biden:

“Top election officials across the country said in interviews and statements that the process had been a remarkable success despite record turnout and the complications of a dangerous pandemic.

“’There’s a great human capacity for inventing things that aren’t true about elections,’ said Frank LaRose, a Republican who serves as Ohio’s secretary of state. ‘The conspiracy theories and rumors and all those things run rampant. For some reason, elections breed that type of mythology.'”

Scott Schwab, the Republican Secretary of State in Kansas — one of the reddest states in the country — echoed LaRose, remarking:

“‘Kansas did not experience any widespread, systematic issues with voter fraud, intimidation, irregularities or voting problems,’ a spokeswoman for Scott Schwab, the Republican secretary of state in Kansas, said in an email Tuesday. ‘We are very pleased with how the election has gone up to this point.'”

Despite that, the president’s legal team continues to file lawsuits over the results, insisting that the only reason Trump lost is due to cheating:

“On Monday, the Trump campaign accelerated their legal efforts, filing a lawsuit in the seven Pennsylvania counties where the president lost that claimed mail voting created an unfair, “two-tiered” system during the election — though the system is also in place in counties the president won. The campaign also announced plans to file another suit in Michigan.”

And Trump also continues to rail on Twitter:

Corey Stapleton, the Republican Secretary of State in Montana, had a very pointed message for Trump, whom he supports and voted for:

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