President Donald Trump may announce that he plans to run for president in 2024 during the inauguration of Joe Biden on January 20, 2021, according to a report from the Daily Beast:

“According to three people familiar with the conversations, the president, who refuses to acknowledge he lost the 2020 election as he clearly did, has not just talked to close advisers and confidants about a potential 2024 run to reclaim the White House but about the specifics of a campaign launch. The conversations have explored, among other things, how Trump could best time his announcement so as to keep the Republican Party behind him for the next four years. Two of these knowledgeable sources said the president has, in the past two weeks, even floated the idea of doing a 2024-related event during Biden’s inauguration week, possibly on Inauguration Day, if his legal effort to steal the 2020 election ultimately fails.”

Top political advisers to Trump have started reaching out to key donors to determine the level of interest they have in his seeking a second term in office.

Just the fact that Trump is looking at when to announce another run for the White House is an admission that he and his legal team don’t expect to win any of the lawsuits they’ve filed in a vain attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election, which Biden overwhelmingly won, besting the Donald by 74 electoral votes and over 6 million ballots in the popular vote.

According to sources inside the administration, Trump recently met with three key officials to discuss a possible 2024 run:

“During an Oval Office meeting earlier this month between Trump, National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, Vice President Mike Pence, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the president said he planned on running in 2024, if the 2020 election results were not nullified by Trump’s attorneys.

“’If you do that—and I think I speak for everybody in the room—we’re with you 100 percent,’ O’Brien told the president.”

Another run for the presidency, however, may have to wait, as Trump is facing legal landmines everywhere he looks. Some of those could result in him being indicted, tried, and imprisoned, making any bid for office virtually impossible.

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