Outgoing President Donald Trump once again abused the pardon power on Wednesday, this time by pardoning Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner’s father, all three of which are convicted felons. And legal experts leveled him for it.

Just a day after issuing pardons for “coffee boy” George Papadopoulos and three Republican lawmakers in what appears to be a prelude to pardons for his children, Trump issued further pardons for closer associates.

Paul Manafort and Roger Stone were both convicted of federal crimes by juries during the course of the Russia investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Charles Kushner, meanwhile, committed a host of loathsome crimes that put him away behind bars for over a year in a case prosecuted by former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R).

Again, all three were found guilty. Of course, Trump and his allies frequently claimed that they were innocent. But these pardons make it even more clear that they are guilty because a pardon is an admission of guilt.

In response to the latest pardon spree, legal experts slammed Trump and mocked him for claiming to support “law and order.”

If Trump actually cared about law and order he would not be issuing these pardons, which are a total abuse of power that should be voided and added to any corruption charges against him after he leaves office.

Trump absolutely can’t pardon himself, so these pardons are evidence that can and should be used against him.

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