Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) made it clear on Thursday that she holds the senators who objected to certifying Joe Biden’s electoral victory to be partially responsible for creating an atmosphere that led to the riots which left four dead at the U.S. Capitol, including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who tried to worm his way out of what he had previously said.

The back and forth between AOC and Cruz began when she directly criticized the Texas Republican for daring to weigh in on the rioting:

That led Cruz to brand Ocasio-Cortez a “liar” in an enraged response on social media:

The New York firebrand, however, brought the receipts, reminding Cruz of a text message his office sent out attempting to raise money while he was actively working to try and overturn the will of the 81 million Americans who voted for Biden:

Game, set, and match, AOC. Want some balm for that burn, Teddy?