Mike Lindell, the CEO of the company MyPillow, is an ardent supporter of President Donald Trump and has repeatedly said since it became clear that Trump lost the 2020 presidential election to President-elect Joe Biden that he believes Trump was robbed of a second term in office, even though he has failed to provide any evidence to support his allegations.

On Friday, Lindell paid a visit to the White House to meet with Trump in the final days of his time in office, and notes he carried with him have raised concern that there may be a secret plan to impose martial law so the incumbent can remain as head of state, according to the Washington Post:

“At about 3 p.m., (Lindell) was escorted into the West Wing where he reportedly met briefly with Trump. The subject of his visit? If notes Lindell was holding while he waited to enter were any indication, he wanted to discuss his thoughts on how Trump might finagle those ‘4 more years’ Lindell had promised his Facebook followers.”


Lindell’s notes appear to contain the following messages:

…Colon NOW as Acting National Security
…him with getting the evidence of ALL the
…in the election and all information regarding
…using people he knows who already have security
…done massive research on these issues
…at Fort Mead [sic]. He is an attorney with cyber-
…expertise and is up to speed on election issues.
…Insurrection Act now as a result of the assault on the
…martial law if necessary upon the first hint of any
…Sidney Powell, Bill Olsen, Kurt Olsen,
…DOD. Move Kash Patel to CIA Acting.
…on Foreign Interference in the election. Trigger
…powers. Make clear this is China/Iran
…also used domestic actors. Instruct Frank
…evidence on…the more broad
…likely amount…

So Lindell wants Trump to impose martial law and refuse to surrender once Biden takes the oath of office and becomes the 46th President of the United States. Sounds more than a tad bit treasonous, doesn’t it?

Whatever the so-called “plans” Lindell and Trump (not to mention others) may have to try and prevent a transfer of power, it seems unlikely that the military would go along with any such harebrained scheme.

Only three days remain in the Trump administration. Let’s hope they’re uneventful and peaceful.

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