Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) actually went through with her plan to file a bill to impeach President Joe Biden and is being rightfully mocked for her stupidity.

Greene has been vowing to file articles of impeachment against Biden since before he even took office, alleging that Biden blackmailed Ukraine into firing a corrupt prosecutor. Of course, Biden did not do that, and has been cleared of any wrongdoing by Ukrainian officials and by Senate Republicans.

It makes Greene’s filing all the more ridiculous since it is sure to be tabled. It’s also a waste of taxpayer dollars and congressional resources.

Greene even announced the filing on Twitter:

Americans responded by mocking her into oblivion.

There is absolutely no cause to impeach Biden, whose presidency just began on Wednesday. But there is cause to expel Greene from the House and to prosecute her. After all, she supported and may have aided the failed insurrection at the Capitol that occurred earlier this month. It was an attempted coup to overturn the election results, a terrorist attack against democracy. Greene should face consequences for her treason and certainly does not belong in the House, especially since all she does is waste time by spouting conspiracies and making false accusations.

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