Pennsylvania Republicans are obsessed with punishing Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) by censuring him because he voted to convict disgraced former President Donald Trump at the end of his impeachment trial for inciting insurrection.

So far, every Republican in the House and the Senate who voted against Trump have been targets of condemnation by the party in their home states, making it clear that the GOP is fully drinking the Trump Kool-Aid despite him no longer being in power.

Toomey joined six other Republicans in the vote to convict Trump, an effort that fell short of the 67 votes required. However, it was the most bipartisan vote to convict in American history.

These Republicans were given the green light to vote their consciences by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who failed to vote to convict in an act of cowardice that will forever stain the Senate and his legacy.

Toomey and his colleagues voted to convict because the evidence against Trump was indisputable. Trump incited the insurrection at the Capitol in a scheme to overthrow democracy and stay in power. It failed and he should have to pay a price.

Instead, Pennsylvania Republicans are hell bent on punishing Toomey for doing the right thing.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer:

Pennsylvania Republicans are heaping condemnation on Sen. Pat Toomey after their GOP senator voted to convict Donald Trump in his impeachment trial, signaling how fealty to the former president has come to define the party. Republican state party chairman Lawrence Tabas has advised committee members that he will soon call a meeting to ‘address and consider actions related to the impeachment vote.’ Though the notice didn’t specifically mention Toomey, four party insiders said Monday that there’s growing momentum behind a push to censure the senator.

Washington County GOP Chair Dave Ball even spilled the beans on what the Republican Party is all about while lashing out at Toomey.

“We did not send him there to vote his conscience. We did not send him there to do the right thing or whatever he said,” Ball declared.

Here’s the video via Twitter:

So, Republicans don’t care about doing the right thing. It’s all about protecting Trump and turning America into an authoritarian nation. This is why every Republicans on the national, state, and local level must be ousted from office. It is no longer a viable party that can be trusted to defend democracy when it is under attack. It’s a party of extremists and domestic terrorists that needs to be destroyed.

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