We’ve known for a long time that Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) isn’t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but remarks he made Tuesday regarding the Democratic Party quickly boomeranged back on him and made him look even more clueless than usual.
Appearing on Fox Business, Nunes said that Democrats are the same as the Chinese and Soviet-era communists:
“The Democrat Party is a socialist party, set up similar to the Chinese Communist Party, or the old Soviet Union or even Russia today where you have a politburo style system.”
Biden is like Stalin. Totally. pic.twitter.com/iCGs9Giz8P
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 9, 2021
Um….no. That’s just total BS. How would Nunes like it if we called Republicans fascists? It’d be a hell of a lot more accurate than the nonsense he’s peddling on Fox.
Twitter lit up with mockery for the man who once sued a fake cow for daring to make fun of him:
Biden is like Stalin. Totally. pic.twitter.com/iCGs9Giz8P
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 9, 2021
In Fox-world, when a Democratic president has a cabinet of Senate-confirmed appointees, it’s called a “politburo-style system” https://t.co/RJSgshyW7J
— Lawrence Hurley (@lawrencehurley) March 9, 2021
Oh man, the U.S. is TOTALLY “set up like the old Soviet Union.” Here’s me waiting in line for bread.
What’s that? Oh, that’s right. This photo was taken last March under Trump. https://t.co/erehnMepfZ pic.twitter.com/6ASq1aWkX9
— Fuzz Martin (@FuzzMartin) March 9, 2021
Can’t stop laughing at this. Will the Republicans ever move on from trying to scare everyone with ‘reds under the bed’ rhetoric? Having said that China does have better healthcare than the states…
— ann miller (@annmill1966) March 9, 2021
This is yet another argument for emphasizing history in the public schools. We don’t give our children enough knowledge to be able to discern that idiocy like this is a lie.
— Jennifer Dian (@MouthyOldBat) March 9, 2021
So the people who are not even familiar with their own government are now going to compare it to governments they have absolutely no understanding? Now that’s helpful. There has to be a test for future politicians!
— Pdiddy (@Mema47Pat) March 9, 2021
They just running the same shit they’d have played if Sanders or Warren won, aren’t they? They have no ability to even discuss an issue anymore, just spout off nonsense all day
— boredsuburbanmom (@mamagrumpypants) March 9, 2021
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