Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) ghoulishly laughed about coronavirus deaths and railed against masking children in the wake of a child being killed by the virus in her own district.

When a reporter informed Greene that the virus has killed children, she laughed hysterically before replying that “people’s responsibility is their own.”

Here’s the video via YouTube:

Well, it was only last week that a child in her own district died because of the virus that conservatives like herself have referred to as a “hoax” or “just the flu.”

Not long after her ghoulish laugh at dying Americans, Greene posted an ALL CAPS anti-mask tweet.

First of all, no one should listen to Greene. This is a dangerous statement that will get people killed because masks do work to prevent the spread of the virus. Even vaccinated people can still contract and spread the virus, so they should continue wearing a mask as well.

Furthermore, it’s pretty clear that Greene doesn’t give a damn about kids. She would have them exposed to the deadly virus and would laugh at the ones who end up on ventilators and die.

Twitter users ripped her a new one.

Greene, like many of her Republican colleagues, is a monster who doesn’t care about the lives of Americans. They should be forced out of Congress and barred from running for office ever again.

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