Former White House senior counselor Kellyanne Conway did a victory dance after disappointing job creation numbers were released on Friday, and she was immediately hectored on social media.

According to the Department of Labor, the U.S. economy only saw 235,000 new jobs created in August, but the unemployment rate did fall to 5.2 percent, the lowest level in 18 months:

“August’s total — the worst since January — comes with heightened fears of the pandemic and the impact that rising Covid cases could have on what has been a mostly robust recovery. The weak report could cloud policy for the Federal Reserve, which is weighing whether to pull back on some of the massive stimulus it has been adding since the outbreak in early 2020.”

That led Conway to celebrate on Twitter:

Read it and weep? Really, Kellyanne? Whatever happened to the notion that we’re all Americans and we’re supposed to want the best for every person, not just the ones who agree with us politically? The hypocrisy of cheering when the economy is slowing down is both perverse and disgusting. But that’s what we’ve come to expect from nearly everyone who supports Donald Trump.

For her hateful tweets, Conway got dealt a heaping dose of internet karma:

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