White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has had to put up with Fox News’ Peter Doocy in the press briefing room for over a year now, so it’s understandable that she agrees with President Joe Biden’s characterization of him as a “stupid son of a b****.”

Biden muttered those words about Doocy under his breath on a hot mic after being asked one of Doocy’s frequent irrelevant questions.

This week, Psaki was asked if she agrees with Biden during a podcast. In an attempt to soften the blow of her agreement, Psaki perfectly shifted the label to Fox News in general.

“He works for a network that provides people with questions that, nothing personal to any individual, including Peter Doocy, but might make anyone sound like a stupid son of a b****,” Psaki said.

Fox News host John Roberts jumped to Doocy’s defense on Twitter.

The problem is that Doocy’s questions are not journalism. They are often irrelevant or worded to blame Biden for things that are beyond his control such as inflation and gas prices or to manufacture something into a scandal when it’s not. And while Fox News claims to be “afflicting the comfortable,” the network did nothing but make Donald Trump comfortable for four years while willfully spreading his propaganda.

Twitter users took issue with Roberts’ defense of Doocy.

If anything, according to many Americans, Fox News and other right-wing propaganda networks should be stripped of their credentials so that real news outlets can ask actual questions that the American people need answers to without distraction from folks like Doocy who have nothing to contribute.

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