Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyoming) fired back this week in response to MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell claiming that there was widespread election fraud against Donald Trump in the state during the 2020 Election.

As you will recall, Trump overwhelmingly won the state in 2020 and there was no evidence of any fraud. But Lindell apparently believes there was widespread fraud. You know, because 70 percent of the vote wasn’t big enough.

“Wyoming had 20-some thousand votes stolen in the (presidential) election. That’s almost 10 percent of your home [total cast] votes in Wyoming. Everything was taken,” Lindell said, going on to claim that anyone who disagrees with his claims is a “traitor.”

Again, Trump won the state with nearly 70 percent of the vote and there was no evidence of fraud, just like in all of the other states Trump and Lindell have cried fraud in over the last two years. The courts have repeatedly dismissed Trump’s election lawsuits precisely because he failed to produce any evidence of fraud.

In response to Lindell’s wild election fraud claims, Cheney took him to the woodshed on Twitter.

Cheney’s campaign manager Tammy Hooper also had words for Lindell.

“Our county clerks work tirelessly and do a fantastic job, as does our Secretary of State,” Hooper said in a statement. “The people of Wyoming honor and respect their public service and we have complete confidence in them to fairly and lawfully carry out our elections, as they have done consistently in the past. Everyone across Wyoming, including the Republican state party leadership, elected officials, and candidates have a responsibility to condemn these unfounded allegations and make clear that we won’t allow an out-of-state wacko to baselessly attack the integrity of our public servants or question our patriotism.”

Cheney currently sits on the House January 6th Committee that is investigating the Capitol insurrection and Donald Trump’s role in the attempt to overthrow our democracy. The committee has also uncovered evidence that Trump and his inner circle attempted to rig the electoral college vote by orchestrating a fake elector scheme.

Trump and Lindell are so obsessed with imaginary election fraud that they are accusing red states of it. I would say it doesn’t get crazier than that, but the Republican Party has proven time and time again that it can.

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