For the past week, Americans of all political stripes have been debating just how Trump’s two indictments will affect his election chances. Of course, the die hard MAGA supporters in and out of Congress are convinced that it will make him more popular and pretty much guarantee his re-election. Those on more progressive end are sure that this is when the walls will finally cave in. Then there is the rest of us.

The election isn’t for another year and a half. The first primary votes won’t even happen for seven months. Anyone who follows politics knows that such a stretch in time is a “lifetime” in politics. Events will certainly have an impact on what happens. But, for now, there have been some very telling signs right in front of our eyes that are giving us a clue into how Trump’s viability as a candidate is doing.

Trump blasted out messages to his MAGA followers before each indictment. He wanted them there, in solidarity with him, as he was arraigned in New York and Miami. He wanted protests at both locations. That was clear.

They didn’t show up.

Some might write this off using various excuses, but one thing Trump’s supporters have been consistent about is showing up when he calls them to.

That point wasn’t lost on Lawrence O’Donnell, someone who has been around the political game a very long time.

O’Donnell said that’s bad news for Trump ― and that the former president has to now be painfully aware of the fact that his minions aren’t showing up at his command anymore for his protests.

“Trump knows better than any of us: They’re not coming,” he said, then referred to the potential scene of a next possible indictment: “They won’t come to Georgia. They’re not coming. That stuff is completely over… he doesn’t have that anymore.”

He could very well be right.

O’Donnell’s colleague, Dr. Rachel Maddow had similar comments and offered some more insight. She began by pointing out how Trump and his allies have been “warning” everyone about violence, civil war, and that the MAGA crowd “wouldn’t stand for” Trump being indicted.

“Turns out the people of the United States would stand for it,” Maddow said, she noted that there were no “mass protests” in Miami, just as there were just a very small number of supporters outside the site of his arrest in New York in March.

In fact, it is said that the media outnumbered protesters in Miami. 

“There’s no shame in not having people protest your arrest and indictment,” she said. “Except when you have begged people to, and told people to, and in fact promised publicly that people would.”

That, she said, is “personally embarrassing” for Trump.
Does that mean that Trump is “finished” in the political sense? It is too soon to tell. But this can not be taken as a good sign for his political future by any stretch of the imagination. As time rolls forward, it will be interesting to see where his support goes as people learn more about the crimes involved, especially in the Mar-A-Lago documents case.
Some supporters might join the majority of Americans that believe these crimes are serious and that jeopardizing things like national security is a bridge too far, even if they did like Trump. They probably won’t cease in their desire to “own the libs” but they may find themselves looking for someone else to champion.