Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) falsely accused Democrats of “embracing mob violence” against the Supreme Court in the wake of a leaked majority opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, all while conveniently ignoring the very real mob violence in which his party actively incites and endorses.

Ever since the draft majority opinion by Justice Samuel Alito leaked, pro-choice Americans have taken to the streets to protest the impending ruling that will strip millions of women of their right to choose an abortion. Some protesters have even gathered in front of the homes of the judges who joined the majority, including Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barret, and Neil Gorsuch, all of whom told lies to the Senate during their confirmation hearing when asked if they would overturn the established precedent.

It is not illegal to protest outside of a public official’s home as long as they are not doing so on private property. The protests are also peaceful demonstrations. But Cruz is characterizing the peaceful protests as “mob violence” and he’s accusing Democrats of inciting mob violence.

“I’ve got to say, this week, it was shameful that the White House refused to condemn violent protestors threatening the families of the Supreme Court,” Cruz said. “It is disgraceful and Joe Biden used to be chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Joe Biden knows it’s disgraceful! He’s literally threatening the lives of these justices by the mob they’re unleashing. It’s the same thing we saw with Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots, where the left embraced them. And now they’re embracing mob violence to get their partisan outcome.”

Here’s the video via YouTube:

Except that Democrats are not the ones who incited a violent mob to storm the Capitol on January 6, 2021, in a scheme to overthrow democracy just because Republicans like Cruz were upset about the outcome of the 2020 Election. Cruz is one of the Republicans who incited the insurrection attempt.

That was a very real incident of mob violence that Republicans not only organized and incited but also refused to condemn. Let’s also not forget that conservatives have firebombed clinics, stalked and harassed women seeking care, and even murdered doctors.

Five conservative judges on the high court just voted to overturn a landmark ruling that was decided 7-2 in 1973. They just voted to strip women of their rights to privacy and control of their reproductive health. They voted in support of rapists having control over their victims and for women to be an oppressed class of citizens. They should count themselves lucky that Democrats and pro-choice supporters are not responding with outright violence. That’s what Republicans and anti-abortion fanatics do.

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