The House Judiciary Committee has released a 658-page report fully detailing why President Donald Trump has been charged with two articles of impeachment, and it includes accusations that the president committed bribery, wire fraud, and an unprecedented abuse of his office.

CNN notes:

“Taken together, the articles charge that President Trump has placed his personal, political interests above our national security, our free and fair elections and our systems of checks and balances. He has engaged in a pattern of misconduct that will continue if left unchecked,” the Judiciary Committee writes. “Accordingly, President Trump should be impeached and removed from office.”

The committee report also warns that Trump is a direct threat to the American republic as laid out in the Constitution:

“President Trump has realized the Framers’ worst nightmare. He has abused his power in soliciting and pressuring a vulnerable foreign nation to corrupt the next United States Presidential election by sabotaging a political opponent and endorsing a debunked conspiracy theory promoted by our adversary, Russia.”

In response, Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), the ranking GOP member of the judiciary committee, said the articles of impeachment fail to establish that any impeachable offense was committed by President Trump, adding:

“An accusation of abuse of power must be based on a higher and more concrete standard than conduct that ‘ignored and injured the interests of the Nation.'”

The last section of the committee report notes that Trump remains determined to subvert the will of voters and interfere with the upcoming presidential election:

“(Trump) has fallen into a pattern of behavior: this is not the first time he has solicited foreign interference in an election, been exposed, and attempted to obstruct the resulting investigation. He will almost certainly continue on this course.

“For all the reasons given above, President Trump will continue to threaten the Nation’s security, democracy, and constitutional system if he is allowed to remain in office. That threat is not hypothetical.”

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