Outgoing President Donald Trump’s scheme to sow chaos and overturn the election results was dealt yet another blow on Sunday when his bumbling lawyer Rudy Giuliani tested positive for the coronavirus and ended up being hospitalized.

Giuliani has been leading Trump’s futile crusade to steal the election from President-Elect Joe Biden, even getting humiliated in Pennsylvania when a judge smacked down one of his frivolous lawsuits.

Indeed, Giuliani has literally been jumping state to state to participate in fake “hearings” about election fraud in Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania in recent days. And he has done all of this without wearing a mask. So, many right-wingers may wanted to go get tested because Trump announced on Twitter that Giuliani tested positive for the coronavirus, which he could have been carrying for days without symptoms.

Giuliani is far from being the “greatest mayor in the history of NYC,” and his reputation is most certainly a joke now. After all, Giuliani is an anti-masker who has questioned medical science frequently on Fox News.

“Just to play devil’s advocate, [Biden] would probably say, ‘I haven’t gotten COVID and the president did, and he’s not a big fan of wearing masks’,” Fox host Martha MacCallum told Giuliani in October after Trump contracted the virus.

“And I haven’t either, and I don’t wear masks as much as probably I should,” Giuliani replied. “What they claim is science is nonsense.”

Well, Giuliani’s failure to wear a mask despite science proving that wearing a mask reduces the chance of a person contracting the virus has resulted in him contracting the virus. Now he’s a patient at Georgetown University Hospital. Bet he wishes he had worn a mask now, as do all the Republicans he personally interacted with over the last week.

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