Roger Stone, who was convicted in February of witness tampering and lying to Congress, says he plans to file suit against former Attorney General William Barr and the Department of Justice now that’s received a pardon from President Donald Trump, Mediaite reports.

Stone, a longtime informal adviser to Trump, made his threat on the right-wing social media site Parler:

“The terms of my pardon allow me to sue the Department of Justice, Robert Mueller, James Comey, John Brennan, Rod Rosenstein, Josnathan Kravis (sic), Aaron ‘Fat Ass’ Zelinsky, Jeanie Rhee (sic), and Michael Morando.

“My lawyers will be filing formal complaints for prosecutorial misconduct’s with DOJ office of professional responsibility at the same time I file a 25 million dollar lawsuit against the DOJ and each of these individuals personally.

“In fact, I am going to add Bill Barr to the lawsuit and I will handle his cross-examination personally.”

Stone was pardoned, along with Trump’s 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort, on Wednesday evening, along with several others. Those pardons led some Republicans to criticize the president, with Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) remarking:

“This is rotten to the core.”

Shortly after Stone was pardoned, he appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show, telling the host:

“I have an enormous debt of gratitude to God almighty for giving the president the strength and courage to recognize that my prosecution was a completely politically motivated witch hunt and that my trial was a Soviet-style show trial in which the judge denied us any powerful line of defense.”

However, considering that a jury of his peers found him guilty based on the evidence presented in court, any lawsuit Stone files will likely be laughed out of court. If he didn’t want to be prosecuted, Stone should never have harassed a witness and lied under oath. But like most of Trump’s closest friends, his default position is to resort to BS when asked a direct question.

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