Ben Carson, who served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) during the Trump administration, said Sunday in Dallas at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) that welfare programs have “hurt black communities” much more than slavery every did.
Carson told CPAC attendees:
“When you look at what the black community has been through, go all the way back to slavery. It was the family, the strong family units and the faith in God that got people through that, that got people through Jim Crow, through severe segregation, through all the difficulties.
“But what really had a negative impact was when the government came along said, ‘There, there, you poor little thing, I’m going to take care of all your needs,’ and started implementing policies that were destructive to the family formation.
“Those are the things that have hurt the black communities the most.”
Ben Carson suggests Black families were stronger during slavery
— David Edwards (@DavidEdwards) July 11, 2021
Those remarks set off a firestorm of criticism on Twitter:
So…should we consider re-instituting slavery? You know, to strengthen family bonds?
— Tom Himmel (@tomhimmel) July 12, 2021
Ah yes, the famously strong family units of enslaved black people who were torn away from each other and sold to the highest bidder. Yes, the government really screwed the pooch when they came in and interrupted that.
— Melissa Courte (@shortsigh44) July 12, 2021
These are the same families enslaved that were for the most part literally ripped apart from each other and sold to the next highest bidder. What the ACTUAL FUCK! 🤬
— Kisswithah 👊🏾 (@kisswithah) July 12, 2021
— The Stomatopod (@iamNcogNegro) July 12, 2021
Selling family members off at the auction block and scattering them to the four corners of the country CLEARLY wasn’t as bad as…food stamps.
— Kenneth W. Smith, Esq (@Attysmith) July 11, 2021
Sure. Whipping, forced labor, rape & torture build character, right Ben?
— (((Richard Arnold))) (@richardfromla) July 12, 2021
Yes I’m sure they just loved having a child ripped from their arms and sold to another slave owner. He truly is an idiot.
— Rsfury98 (@rsfury98) July 12, 2021
Ben Carson shouldn’t be allowed within 50 miles of a microphone.
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