As the coronavirus death toll surges past 340,000, outgoing President Donald Trump had the indecency to declare victory over the pandemic in a New Year’s rant taped at the White House prior to his Christmas vacation at Mar-a-Lago.

This virus has killed more than half the number of Americans who died during the Civil War. Over 19 million have been infected by it. More than 3,000 are dying each day, setting new records every single time and getting worse.

Trump originally called the virus a “hoax” and failed to react properly to stop it in its tracks when he had the chance. Instead, he recklessly and irresponsibly downplayed it and admitted to doing so as he went on television to tell Americans to inject themselves with bleach and insist that his administration was handling the situation even as he gutted the national pandemic response team and fired scientists and medical experts.

But now, even when we all know this pandemic is one of the worst failures of leadership in our nation’s history, Trump is pretending that he defeated it.

“They said it would take a medical miracle and that’s exactly what it is,” Trump claimed. “Years from now they’ll be talking about it, they’ll be talking about this great, great thing we did with the vaccines.”

“We’ve already begun a nationwide vaccination program and we’re sending the vaccine all over the world,” Trump continued. “The world will benefit, we’ll benefit, and everybody is calling to thank me.”

Here’s the video via Twitter:

Yeah, no world leader has called Trump to “thank” him. He says things like this all the time but it always turns out that he’s lying.

In fact, the United States is suffering from a vaccine shortage because Trump declined to secure 100 million more doses from Pfizer when he had the chance to do so. Distribution of the vaccine has also faced delays and other issues that make it quite clear that Trump is botching that effort as well.

He is right about one thing: We will be talking about this for years to come. But it will be about how Trump is guilty of 340,000+ cases of negligent homicide and is the worst president in history. His legacy is one of failure, laziness, and death.

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